Alice Stebbins Wells was a reserved and kindly woman, small and slight in stature. Dressed in everyday street attire, she ...
Post-Covid concerns about small landlords are continuing to drive the conversation around renter aid policies.
Austin Butler’s home in Los Angeles has been reportedly burglarized, with multiple items appearing to have been stolen.
Wind gusts were forecast to top 50 mph in some areas. In Pico Rivera, a tornado with wind speeds reaching 85 mph traveled ...
It caused many trees to be uprooted, many branches to be snapped and blown down,” said Dr. Ariel Cohen, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service.
The Los Angeles Athletic Club has been a landmark since 1880, yet most visitors walk on by this prime example of Beaux Arts ...
The city’s housing authority announced the move last week, citing a lack of guaranteed federal funding as one factor leading to the decision.
Auditors could not quantify the amount of money spent to establish beds and provide related homeless supportive services ...
The LAO’s report says the January 2024 point-in-time count found 187,000 people who are homeless in California, an all-time ...
Los Angeles consistently lags the national average on postpandemic office attendance, with two different usage metrics coming ...
Former Los Angeles Fire Department Chief Kristin Crowley is set to appeal her dismissal over her handling of the Palisades ...