Let’s get this out of the way right up front. This is not a “best of” list. I’m not above suggesting that my own personal opinions on music do, in fact, constitute what is best on any ...
The scientific and political catastrophes of the 20th century that inspired Brian Eno's 21-minute soundscape epic 'The Ship'.
Some songwriters started writing poetry before segueing into song. Others will even say that most of their songs started as a poem, or inspired by the work of classic poetry, or poets. Videos by ...
A list of 20 of the best songs from studio albums released by Bob Dylan from the year 2000 onward, ranked by UCR.
Meanwhile, in 3rd place was Jang Nara's 'Is That Really It (2003)', which is renowned for its ghost sound that can be clearly ...
The history and politics of the 20th Century provided inspiration for the diverse range of musical styles developed between 1900 and 1999, pioneered by composers ranging from Elgar and Britten, to ...
What is known as the 32-bar structure became popular in early 20th century US popular music, and can be found in many of George Gershwin’s and Cole Porter’s songs. The form is AABA ...
which was voted the best song of the 20th century in a 1999 BBC poll. It was written by Paul, after he said its melody came to him in a dream fully formed in around 1964. As a result, he worried ...