Plenty of people who fit the definition of an atheist don’t self-identify as such, instead preferring less fraught terms such ...
The new Religious Landscape Study explores trends in identity, beliefs and practices. Around six-in-ten U.S. atheists are men (64%). And seven-in-ten are ages 49 or younger, compared with about half ...
The two former employees, John McGaha and Mackenzie Saunders, who identify as atheist and agnostic, respectively, were let go ...
About 100 million people in the U.S. say they have no religious faith, but a new survey paints a more complicated picture.
Research doesn’t bear this out. Surveys indicate that atheists and agnostics collectively represent approximately 10 percent of the U.S. population. If the prison population is reflective of the ...
Likeminded common, highly scalable, common try danish dating sites dating you get a agnostic atheist agnostic front, 17 hodin ago. Com, then try options free online and agnostic agnostic agnostic ...
A career arguing about faith has made religious disagreement easier to understand—but outright atheism more unfathomable. Late in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Stephen Dedalus ...
Students, hungry to hear more, lined up after class to talk with him. When he visited Brandeis, Stedman was one of a growing number of atheist and agnostic university chaplains. This number has ...