The $7 billion light rail project unveiled its draft environmental impact statement in January. The project could face ...
Why encourage 50-story tall towers across the street from UT campus? Why are Austin planners proposing this dramatic ...
The public comment period on an environment report concerning Austin's light rail project has ended. FOX 7 Austin's Rebecca ...
The city's first modern light-rail system would run in dedicated lanes on city streets with priority at traffic signals.
Train delays impacted Austin FC fans during the season's opener. Here's what CapMetro says happened and what they're doing so it won't happen again.
City officials are reviewing plans for a pair of office towers in the South Central Waterfront district south of downtown.
Dozens of people, including city council members and the chief of the Austin Fire Department and Austin-Travis County EMS, gathered for a ribbon cutting on the newest station Saturday.
A team comprising Dutch architect UNStudio, America’s HKS and Denmark’s Gehl, has won a design contract for a 15km-long, ...
Officials say the new station will help fill a gap in helping respond to emergencies faster and more efficiently. It will also house a brush truck that will be used to help fight wildfires.
Mark Odom Studio Principal Mark Odom, who served as design architect for The Station at St. Elmo in Austin, shares details ...
City commissioners discussed the potential impacts of constructing and maintaining phase one of the Austin light rail in a ...