Walking behind the priest in a small procession, the bearers carry the saint for all in the plaza to see, just as the Inca once shouldered the mummies of their revered kings. The names of those ...
The blow is believed to have been skillfully executed. “The chronicles of Spanish priests — who had been in contact with the Inca Empire — described this form of violent death in these offerings, but ...
"Beautiful beyond exaggeration," is how one Spanish chronicler described Tanta Carhua. Carhua was a ten-year old Inca child whose father offered her to the Inca Emperor as a Capacocha sacrifice.
priests and officials of the Inca Empire. Mummified boy from El Plomo hill (Chilean National Museum of Natural History) Before his death, there are signs that the boy walked more than 2,000km ...
Cristóbal de Molina, a Spanish priest who lived in Cusco around 1565 and observed Inca traditions, described how the Inca burned leaves and blew coca fumes toward the sun—their main deity—and ...
Ramos told us the legend surrounding its origins: an Incan priest fleeing the Spanish had mysteriously disappeared through the doorway and into another dimension. It was a quiet, eerie place.
A temple burial discovered in Peru from roughly 3,800 years ago pre-dates the rise of the Incan Empire. Archaeologists found four skeletal remains, all laid facing the mountains, the source of ...
"The riches that were gathered in the city of Cuzco alone, as capital and court of the Empire, were incredible," says an early account of Inca culture written 300 years ago by Jesuit priest Father ...
During the years 1500–1800, European performing arts reveled in a kaleidoscope of Otherness: Middle-Eastern harem women, fortune-telling Spanish 'Gypsies', Incan priests, Barbary pirates, moresca ...