The Kingdom of Judah would last until 587 BC, when the Babylonians besieged and destroyed its capital Jerusalem, along with ...
The ruins of Herodium, one of Herod the Great ... the Magdala Stone is thought to be modeled after the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem and may have served as a ceremonial Torah stand.
Archeologists have uncovered the ruins of structures fitting these ... represent Asherah. The Temple Mount in Jerusalem, where Solomon's Temple once stood, may well hold archeological clues ...
Every year between Tisha B’av and Rosh Hashanah, we read the Seven Haftarot of Consolation from Isaiah 40-61. The first ...
Rival of Jerusalem Later during the ... This summer, while excavating below the temple's courtyard, the archaeologists for the first time saw that the ruins there were a building housing an ...
The Temple in Jerusalem was the symbolic and ... If one looks to the site of Masada and observes these ruins there, we can see on the northern corner a three-tiered magnificent palace.
Located just a short walk from the Old City's Damascus Gate, this lush garden contains ruins said to be the sepulcher ... Masada, Ein Gedi and The Dead Sea from Jerusalem (263 reviews) In the ...
The Dome of the Rock, an Islamic shrine located on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem From the Kirk ... Its chief curator showed me the ruins of the different rulers of the city ...
And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband” (Revelation 21:1-8). Early on in Rabbles, Riots and Ruins: Twelve Ancient ...
The Profound consequences of the different interpretations of international law Land is gained and lost during wars as the ...