There is a sudden warming about to happen high up in the atmosphere. This warming usually affects the Polar Vortex.
This will be the 10th time this winter that the polar vortex — which keeps the coldest of Arctic air penned in at the top of the world — stretches like a rubber band to send some of that big chill ...
The polar vortex that has dealt the most brutal winter to much of the US in recent years is about to be broken down – but not ...
After Feb dumped a wave of unconditionally severe winter weather in the US, March is about to unleash those conditions again ...
One is a weather pattern around the Arctic Circle that has emerged more frequently than usual this winter and is driving this week’s cold, according to Judah Cohen, director of seasonal ...
said Judah Cohen, seasonal forecast director at the private firm Atmospheric and Environmental Research. In a normal winter, it happens maybe two or three times. This winter, with record snow in ...