Mercury retrograde from March 14 to April 7 travels through Aries and Pisces, coinciding with a full moon and lunar eclipse, ...
Europe's BepiColombo mission will enter orbit of the solar system's first planet in about two years, but it's been whizzing past Mercury regularly as it lines up its approach. The ESA reports that ...
Prepare for an unforgettable 'parade of planets' as 7 planets will align in a rare celestial event on Feb. 28, for the last ...
The two innermost planets, Venus and Mercury, will shine together low in the western sky at sunset on March 10. Here's how to ...
Whenever planets are visible in the night sky, they always appear roughly along the same line. This path, known as the ...
Mercury has the shortest and fastest orbit around the Sun and experiences dramatic temperature changes as it rotates. It is a world of extremes. Explore facts about our solar system's fastest planet.
According to NASA, multi-planet lineups are visible "every few years," but a seven-planet alignment is particularly uncommon, as each planet's orbit varies, with some moving more quickly and Mercury, ...
October 11-12: After extensive redesign work, Apollo 7, commanded by Wally Schirra (the only astronaut to command Mercury, Gemini and Apollo missions) enters earth orbit in the first test of the ...