"The lightsail will travel faster than any previous spacecraft, with potential to eventually open interstellar distances to ...
Caltech scientists are developing laser-driven lightsails that could push spacecraft beyond our solar system. Their research ...
"Chemical rockets that we use today, even with the extra speed boost from flying by planets, or from swinging by the sun for ...
Combining a high-energy laser with an optical dazzler, HELIOS can both destroy and disable threats, as well as disrupt enemy ...
Achieving practical interstellar travel requires overcoming the immense challenge of reaching extraordinary velocities. To ...
The idea of a lightsail comes from the fact that radiation pressure represents a mechanical pressure acting on a surface due ...
US president orders work on defence shield going beyond Ronald Reagan’s ‘Star Wars’ programme that could trigger nuclear arms ...
The USS Preble is the only U.S. destroyer armed with the HELIOS, which can fire laser beams to destroy fast attack craft and drones.