What does it mean to use language as a readymade? A select group of artists associated with Dada and Surrealism will be considered: Marcel Duchamp, Suzanne Duchamp, Francis Picabia, Elsa von Freytag ...
Kunsthaus Zürich is Switzerland’s largest transhistorical museum for fine arts, spanning over eight centuries of art history, from the Middle Ages to the present.
Eventually, he turned to making sculptures. Suzanne Duchamp-Crotti, the youngest sibling, played a significant role in the development of Dadaism in Paris. She was particularly renowned for ...
Duchamp offered this painting to Suzanne as a wedding gift with an inscription on the back reading A toi ma chère Suzanne. Portrait (Dulcinea), executed in October 1911, shows five figures of the ...
In 1919, Marcel Duchamp sent instructions for an artwork from Buenos Aires to his sister by way of a present. Suzanne Duchamp was asked to source a geometry textbook and suspend it by strings from her ...