The pieces so powerful that you’ll be out of your seat, air-conducting to the full force of an imaginary orchestra, or ...
Johann Sebastian Bach is considered one of the great composers of Western classical music. Now, researchers are trying to figure out why – by analysing his music with information theory.
The history of Western European music can be divided into separate periods of time. Each period has its: own musical styles new instruments composers It's important to remember that periods of ...
Curtis Curtis-Smith, an internationally known contemporary composer and pianist who taught at Western Michigan University for 43 years ... after earning both bachelor's and master's degrees in music ...
Satish Chakravarthy creates world's first smart pedal in Chennai, revolutionizing music technology for musicians worldwide.
The Quintet is a resident faculty ensemble in the School of Music at Western Michigan University ... and Landscapes by the Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Karel Husa (see full list of commissions ...