Vigil for slain journalists in Gaza and Lebanon at Erasmus plaza. Image credit: Esther Dijkstra Around fifty people gathered at Erasmus Plaza on Thursday afternoon to commemorate the journalists ...
Internationals are not entirely confident about their own cycling proficiency and their knowledge of both formal and informal road rules. On top of that, they find Dutch roads quite chaotic. Cycling ...
More than half of the students report having feelings of loneliness. According to the university’s student wellbeing monitor, 58 per cent of students experience these feelings. For 21 per cent, it’s a ...
Bakesale by the Arabs Association Rotterdam in the hall of Erasmus Sport. Image credit: Kim Casamitjana The Arabs Association Rotterdam held a bake sale on Wednesday in the hall of Erasmus Sport. The ...
Paul van Geest (left) handed Pope Francis the first volume of the encyclopedia. Image credit: EUR For years, Paul van Geest, Professor of Theology and Economic Thinking, worked on a compendium about ...
Coffee Company has replaced Starbucks at the Food Plaza this summer. There is no link with the pro-Palestinian graffiti on its walls of last year, the current manager says. Owner of the Starbucks ...
The interest on study debts will amount to around 2.6 percent next year, which is roughly the same as now. Borrowing money from the Education Executive Agency (DUO) is more expensive than before, when ...
The scientific community is bracing itself, as researchers are set to lose hundreds of millions of euros. Even Minister Eppo Bruins admits the cuts are “painful and ugly,” though he remains undeterred ...
‘In a society where we strive for efficiency, we sometimes lose sight of the art of observation’, writes Hanan El Marroun in her final column for EM. A plea for consciously pausing, listening, looking ...
Cutbacks or not, the workload in science must be reduced. That is what Minister Eppo Bruins writes to the House of Representatives. It’s ‘worrying’ that after all these years, universities haven’t ...
Many EUR students are still struggling with poor mental health. Around 36 percent give themselves a low rating, and nearly three-quarters experience moderate to severe stress, according to the ...
She’s already busy cutting out the red felt squares, reminiscent of earlier WOinActie protests. Uribe Sandoval is a lecturer at the Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication and a member of ...