We know that it means the children of former slaves are citizens. That was its stated purpose and the plain language of the ...
Trump has wasted no time enacting his agenda – including executive orders and policies on immigration. Here's how it's ...
Federal judges hearing Trump administration litigation have increasingly gone beyond the case at hand to reflect on potential ...
The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals said there was no compelling reason to stay a lower court's ruling that the executive ...
After Trump signed the executive order, which would deny citizenship to children born to migrants temporarily or illegally in ...
Submit your internship for consideration. The Texas Politics webtext is affordable, engaging, and informed by Texas Politics Project public opinion polling and expertise. Browse and download graphics ...
Steve Bannon’s flood-the-zone strategy is a handy way to understand President Donald Trump’s first six weeks in office.
The Trump administration made immigration a core campaign focus and governance issue. Accordingly, President Donald Trump ...
Both the Supreme Court and Congress have allowed the plain language of the amendment to go unchallenged since the court’s ...
A survey found that 51 percent of respondents support the idea that kids born in the U.S. should automatically become ...
The survey found that 76% of Democrats believe all children born in the U.S. should automatically become citizens. This view ...
Is a new constitutional convention a good idea to tackle questions that have emerged since 1787’s first (and, so far, only) ...