Today’s optical illusion puzzle will put your observation skills to the test! In a bag full of identical balls marked with the number 5, a single ball hides a sneaky 3. Can you spot it? This tricky ...
A cease and desist order has been served on an overseas-based counselling professional who had been slated to administer a ...
Musical training has been evidenced to facilitate music perception, which refers to the consistencies, boundaries, and segmentations in pieces of music that are associated with the Gestalt principles.
This optical illusion challenges viewers to find a hidden '3' among a pattern of golden balloon-like symbols. The brain’s ...
“Déjà vu is basically a conflict between the sensation of familiarity and the awareness that familiarity is incorrect. And it ...
“The ministry does not approve or endorse this event. The matter has been referred to the relevant quality assurance bodies,” ...
Elicitive Conflict Mapping (ECM) is an attempt to operationalize the art and skill of elicitive conflict work by bringing the transrational peace philosophy and the elicitive methods of conflict ...
Gestalt therapy was developed in the 1940s and 1950s by Fritz Perls, a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, and his then-wife, psychotherapist Laura Perls, as an alternative to traditional, verbally ...
Perceiving whether another person is a personal health risk requires quickly assessing their trustworthiness. With limited ...