Every time one is spotted, it stops work for the helicopter at least an hour until they can make sure the air is clear, CAL ...
The drone interrupted the firefighters' efforts to fight the Line Fire in San Bernardino County in southern California.
Exercise “Stella Alpina 2024” saw specialized components of the Italian Army training with new systems and technologies, including a pre-production model ...
Police use of drones is growing rapidly. Arizona law and court precedent must keep pace to protect our privacy rights.
The decommissioned Army drone arrived Aug. 28 inside a storage container after a truck shipped it from Red River Army Depot near Texarkana, Texas.
“While we often do aerial inspections of our electrical infrastructure by helicopter, we have increased the use of drones as ...
Helicopters have aided firefighters working to contain the Line Fire for over a week and a half. We previously highlighted ...
The documentary aired this week on China’s CCTV shows the PLA using all types of weapons and force to gain a quick hold on ...
A helicopter belonging to a Russian gold mining company disappeared on Monday with three people on board and rescue crew were still searching for the aircraft, Russian agencies reported on Tuesday.
Acting off a trail picked up by squads of cadaver canines and bloodhounds, state police moved their field base deeper into Daniel Boone National Forest.
Jury selection is underway in the trial of a Cockeysville man charged with shooting two Baltimore County police officers.