Finally, we can start planning our indoor seed-starting efforts. I usually plant tender annual seedlings outside around May 15. Your seed packet will tell you how many weeks before that ...
Hydrangea is one of the most popular garden plants, which is appreciated for its lush and bright inflorescences. At the same ...
Once all of the polar vortices run their course, I assure you our gardens have the possibility of becoming like a beautiful ...
Keep the transplanted hydrangeas outdoors in the shade and water daily, depending on weather and moisture retention. Roethling recommends keeping them in the gallon pots until the following spring ...
It turns out there is a natural way to get stronger and better-looking hydrangeas, and all you need is one kitchen scrap you ...
If you want to ensure your hydrangeas have a big and beautiful bloom come spring then you must tend to them properly, according to garden experts. Here's how to do it ...
I have a large hydrangea hortensia, the common mophead type. It’s 5-6ft high and the flowers are too heavy for the stems so ...
Hydrangeas are certainly a plant that benefit from pruning but it needs to be done at the "right time", according to one ...
If there were ever a flower synonymous with long summer days, it would be the hydrangea. These billowing bushes are perfect ...
To make the flower bed more ecologically diverse, the homeowner removed the overgrown hydrangea, laying compost and mulch to ...
We Southerners love our spring-blooming plants, and every Southern garden needs a dogwood, redbud, masses of azaleas and a ...
Discover the best times to fertilize hydrangeas to ensure healthy growth and vibrant blooms. Learn about suitable fertilizers ...