The black-and-white thinking in our politics brings to mind a skill that the state of Texas requires me to teach my college ...
Holy Week timeline traces the final days of Jesus on Earth, from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. It starts with Jesus entering ...
The Armstrong Auditorium in Edmond is featuring a unique archaeological exhibit regarding life in ancient Israel. The ...
In his prepared March 5 catechesis, the Holy Father spoke about the 12-year-old Jesus’ desire to live his mission as the Son ...
Experts Discovered a ‘Lost’ Street in Jerusalem That Was Built by the Man Who Sanctioned the Death of Jesus History could lie ...
This time (3 p.m.) was when sacrifice ... John 10:22-23 — It was the feast of the Dedication at Jerusalem; it was winter, and Jesus was walking in the Temple, in the portico of Solomon.
We can be grieved about the state of the church, but we can still love and fight for it. The burial plot of Jesus is a mess.
It was there that they finally agreed to stick with the Roman practice of determining Easter. This brought England in line ...
For the last two thousand years antisemitism or hatred of the Jewish People has come from two main directions, Christianity ...
Archaeologists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem just concluded their second season of excavations at Hyrcania, where they found colorful Byzantine mosaics and Herodian frescoes ...