“Severance” follows the lives of a group of workers at a company called Lumon Industries who have agreed to undergo a procedure known as “severance.” During this operation, a device — the Severance ...
"Severance" season one introduced Mark, Helly, Dylan, and Irving's careers at Lumon. Here's a recap of what to remember for ...
Following a loaded content drop with season start, Season 1 Reloaded brought with it a huge new Zombies map, a winter event, and more. Suffice it to say, a tantalizing precedent has been set as we ...
At Amazon, remote work is becoming a thing of the past. The tech giant’s return-to-office policy goes into effect today, a new chapter for the company and one that experts say will be closely ...
Tesla is reportedly replacing some of its laid-off workforce with foreign workers using H-1B visas recently ... saying he came to the U.S. using a J-1 visa – which can be used by students ...
New federal legislation will require digital platforms such as Uber and DoorDash to report information about their workers' income to the Canada Revenue Agency, a move one expert says will ...
It's a short term net loss. It's much easier to bring in skilled workers who might not do quite a good a job, but will work for a fraction of the cost and be happy just to be here." The Threads ...
That smashes the previous week-one record set by Wednesday (50.1 million views) in November 2022. Season one of Squid Game tallied 265.2 million views over its first 91 days. Season two is already ...
Cut down the bloated rolls of government workers; privatize the state industries; strictly control state contracting; end subsidies, handouts, and grants of all kinds; destroy the buildup of laws ...
A celebrated television show, later a critical, artistic and popular hit on the stage, the Fred Coe production was directed by Arthur Penn, who staged the legit version, and stars Anne Bancroft ...
Tesla has replaced some of its US employees who were let go as part of a big wave of layoffs earlier this year with foreign workers using H-1B visas, which CEO Elon Musk is now campaigning to ...