People are to be sent from Oxford to the Netherlands to be deliberately infected with a form of malaria so scientists can ...
In the United States, the most well-known skin-penetrating parasitic worm, called a nematode, is the hookworm. But globally, ...
Scientists suggest captive chimpanzees engage in 'socially contagious urination'—that is, when one primate starts peeing, others quickly follow suit ...
Fish have feelings too – at least if a lonesome sunfish in a Japanese aquarium is anything to go by. Animal caretakers at the ...
The creature suffered a bout of health issues and stopped eating jellyfish when the aquarium it called home in Japan shut ...
People often go to the bathroom in groups, and according to new research chimpanzees do the same, possibly to strengthen ...
How do you perk up a lonely fish? This may sound like the start of a particularly silly joke, but it was a very real ...
Staff members believe the sunfish stopped eating when the aquarium was temporarily closed because it was lonely.
Scientists have predicted that the rate of foodborne trematode infections will remain stable up to 2030. Foodborne ...