In “Stanford in the Media,” Emma Muller ’28 explores the portrayals and accuracy of Stanford University and Stanford ...
Elite US research universities are grappling with financial turmoil as federal funding cuts force budget constraints, hiring ...
Over the last three decades, elite American universities have engaged in economic, political, social and cultural practices ...
First-Amendment-protected free speech all but vanished on elite campuses. Any guest speaker who dared to critique abortion on ...
A French university says it's providing safe harbor to American scientists from Yale, Stanford, NASA, and the NIH.
Universities face the challenge of returning to the original mission of offering rigorous, meritocratic, and disinterested ...
They command enormous fees to insert themselves in your teenager’s life, choosing classes, extracurriculars—even summer ...
Amid the DEI backlash and funding threats, universities nationwide are canceling events and rescinding grad school offers.
Beyond the Education Department's budget cuts, Trump has been threatening colleges that don't adhere to his anti-woke ...
After Stanford and Cornell, Harvard University, the richest in the country, has also announced a hiring freeze. Another Ivy ...
Aix-Marseille University in the south of France says it's ready to welcome American scientists, whose work has become ...
The University of Utah is counted among 45 American universities under investigation by the Education Department's Office of ...