Pavel Durov’s legal battle with French prosecutors took the Telegram founder by surprise. But some of its avid users have ...
Amer Ghalib made his endorsement Sunday on Facebook, and Trump quickly shared it on his own Truth Social platform. Michigan ...
A year after the Oct. 7 attacks, the United States and its allies must have an honest reckoning: Iran’s power has risen, while America’s has diminished.
Swedish authorities have charged a 52-year-old woman associated with the Islamic State group with genocide, crimes against humanity and serious war crimes against Yazidi women and children in Syria ...
Compared to other plots against Trump, Asif Merchant's alleged scheme has drawn little attention—but may reveal the most.
At least 17 militants from the Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) drowned while attempting to cross a river along the border between Nigeria and Niger. The militants were trying to travel fro ...
Lawyers are attempting the legal version of a Hail Mary pass in order to save Marcellus Williams from the death penalty in ...
Was the international community culpably naive in failing to give unqualified backing to Yemen's internationally recognized government (IRG)? And was this largely because of a knee-jerk hostility to ...
Siamak Namazi, an American who spent eight years wrongfully detained in Iran, tells CNN’s Christiane Amanpour of his painful ...
The U.S. is using a "carrot and stick" approach to deter Iran from escalating attacks on Israel. Economic pressure on Iran, including its growing budget deficit and the decline of oil revenues, limits ...
Local Islamic society holds open house to highlight culture in Youngstown, Ohio ...
"We are willing to put all of our weapons aside, so long as Israel is willing to do the same," Iranian President Pezehskian ...