“The IEEE EDS Ph.D. Student Fellowship is one of the most prestigious awards for doctoral students working in the broad arena of physical electronics,” said UC Santa Barbara electrical and computer ...
Graduate studies in ECE are broad and encompass many diverse areas such as computers and digital systems, control, communications, electronics, signal processing, electromagnetics, electro-optics, ...
ECE Professor Behrooz Parhami's course ECE 594BB on Elections Math is the subject of the new graduate seminar From The UCSB Current article "Elections Math Is the Subject of New Graduate Seminar" ...
Demis John , process scientist manager of the Nanofab explained that once you learn how to make one microchip, you can make any kind of microchip, with the right equipment. The lab has more than $60 ...
Fireflies, pendulum clocks, our heart muscles and the neurons regulating our daily internal processes: these things all have a tendency toward synchrony, a phenomenon that emerges when individual ...
The Nanofabrication Facility and ECE's Demis John participate in "TechTopia" an innovation and research event that combines industry, UCSB labs, and South Coast companies along with local students and ...
Communication systems in millimeter-wave bands promise unprecedented access to high data rates in wireless links. Power amplifiers account for a large fraction of transmitter power dissipation.
The department provides backup service for all important department services and servers. Backup service for research servers and office and lab workstations is provided by the IT support group on a ...
Each of the four years in the curriculum followed by a typical electrical engineering undergraduate student has a distinct flavor in terms of the types of courses taken, academic goals, and milestones ...
From the UCSB Current article "An Entrepreneurial Eye for Solving Climate Change" Pitching a business that uses artificial intelligence (AI) and satellite imagery to create effective solutions for ...