After the news about the sale of Intime stores, Bloomberg's indiscretion: the Chinese e-commerce giant is close to an ...
Ukraine arrives at day 1.036 and the president Zelensky He spoke words of hope: “May 2025 be the year of a just and lasting ...
Ukraine, Russian Minister Lavrov said that Moscow is ready for consultations with the Trump administration and that France has repeatedly contacted Russia through confidential channels to start a dial ...
12 2024 Stock Market 2025 between growth, inflation, volatility and the Trump unknown: the forecasts of the strategist Alessandro Fugnoli (Kairos) 2 minutes ago Italian Banks and Old Economy Beat ...
Stocks closed for the holidays in Europe while in Asia the indices – in a shortened session characterized by thin trading – ...
Les marchés boursiers ont fermé pour les vacances en Europe tandis qu'en Asie, les indices - au cours d'une séance raccourcie ...
Depois da notícia da venda das lojas Intime, a indiscrição da Bloomberg: a gigante chinesa do comércio eletrônico está perto ...
Fins de semana prolongados 2025: o ano novo será particularmente generoso graças a um calendário favorável. Veja como serão ...
A pesquisa: os italianos são cada vez mais “recicladores em série”. Segundo estimativas, um em cada dois reutiliza presentes ...
乌克兰、俄罗斯外长拉夫罗夫表示,莫斯科已做好与特朗普政府磋商的准备,法国已多次通过保密渠道联系俄罗斯,在不涉及基辅的情况下启动对话 莫斯科希望美国当选总统政府 唐纳德·特朗普 分析其根本原因 乌克兰冲突并表示已准备好进行磋商以解释其立场:俄罗斯外长这样宣布 拉夫罗夫。 “我真诚地希望特朗普政府,包括凯洛格先生,能够分析冲突的根源。我们准备好进行磋商并再次确认我们的立场,这一立场已多次大声而明确地表 ...
Penelitian: Orang Italia semakin menjadi "pendaur ulang serial". Menurut perkiraan, satu dari dua hadiah yang diterima dan mungkin tidak diinginkan digunakan kembali saat Natal. Dan ada juga yang menj ...
Cercetare: italienii sunt din ce în ce mai „reciclători în serie”. Potrivit estimărilor, una din două reutilizari a primit și poate cadouri nedorite de Crăciun. Și sunt cei care le revind online. O „t ...