Despite a 17-point road victory, the Gators’ struggles on defense continued behind an offense that felt like they needed to ...
I am in the middle. Unfortunately this board is majority liberal. But good try. I disagree with most of what trump has done and have said so more often than not. Just think you and the other far ...
yea, no doubt some fundamentals are just lacking, first touch and properly weighted balls. held scoreless for 3 consecutive games, and in 4 of our last 5 games. None of these other teams quality ...
Ready to reopen nuclear negotiations. Hopefully this time it is a hard-line negotiation, I think they know they have no leverage after Israel took a dump in their front yard and they couldn't do ...
I don’t know how important it is this early, but we play the top four total offense leaders (team wise) thus far : 1. Ole Miss 2. Miami 3. UCF 4. Tennessee . We’re 46th averaging over 7 yards a play, ...
With ABC/ESPN calling the shots for the SEC, will our October 5 gametime against UCF still be announced today (12 days in advance)? I am also assuming that during interconference games, the home team ...
Wait, Tilly doesn't believe this is true? These posts were on the internet and from long before Robinson ran for office. How would somebody fake that? Click to expand... Its easy to read my comments ...
"I was very impressed with him and he was a very big fan of the Trump administration because he saw no wars — outside of defeating ISIS, but I inherited that — but there were no wars,” Trump told ...
Mertz is a superior QB right now. As long as getting DJ reps Is not hurting the offense game flow I am cool with it. Once we are guaranteed a losing record I think he should play more, until then ...
Not directly Gator football related, but indirectly since the Jacksonville Jaguars have their upcoming stadium construction. That will impact their schedule in 2027 as well as the FL/GA game in 2026 ...
911 call about 32 Venezuelans flashing guns and coming in apartment building and courtyard in Chicago and the response from local gangmembers. “ we got switches”. but this isn’t really happening All ...
Matt Bonner is one of the all time Gator greats. As a stretch 3 I can see the comparison. Bonner was listed at 6'10" 240 lbs. Haugh is 6'9" 210 lbs. Here is a nice little blub from Matt's UF bio. "The ...