We conducted several replications and a reanalysis of a meta-analysis on the classic identified victim effect and found no ...
The researchers found that personal values often have dichotomous counterparts—much like yin and yang. In the case of ...
Did someone just leave you abruptly with little warning? Their disappearance can leave you feeling a big lack of closure.
Your boss has a certain amount of power over you, as you do over your subordinates, but it is supposed to be different with ...
Listening to enjoyable music stimulates the release and circulation of dopamine, promoting relaxation and the experience of ...
The so-called “Mommy-wars” take a front seat when it comes to a comparative look at how others are parenting. There has been ...
We may have low frustration tolerance, but this much should be self-evident: We can stand what we're standing.
Have you ever overlooked the beauty of an ordinary moment because you were preoccupied with looking for the perfect moment?
Our influence on others around us often goes unnoticed but when it comes to aiding individual innovation, perhaps friends at ...
Are you stuck in a stressful situation with someone important in your life? Here are three tips for managing this hidden ...
OBEs are profound events that often require cognitive adjustment, which can be challenging for children. Many children who ...
Let it go! Just drop it! Forgive and forget! Have you ever declared these well-intentioned statements to a friend who was ...