The prestigious RHS Medals and Awards are handed out as the Show opens. Take a tour of the gardens and see if you agree with ...
Malvern Autumn Show celebrates the best of the harvest with fruit & veg competitions, awards for vintage dress, cake bakes ...
Broccoli, or sprouting broccoli, is a delicious, nutritious and easy-to-grow member of the cabbage family. It forms multiple small clusters of purple or white A bud is a small, undeveloped shoot that ...
Iris may be rhizomatous or bulbous perennials, with narrow leaves and erect stems bearing flowers with 3 large spreading or pendent fall petals, alternating with 3 erect, often smaller, standard ...
A method of growing new plants from parts of an existing plant, such as sections of root, stem, leaf or bud. When prepared correctly and planted in the right conditions, they can produce roots and ...
Lettuces are quick and easy to grow, and come in many colours, flavours and textures – your salads need never be boring! Choose from large hearting lettuces to loose-leaf types and salad-leaf mixes ...
Iconic and romantic, our native foxgloves are instantly recognisable – their spires of purple bells adorning woodland clearings and cottage gardens. And now, with new hybrids and different species ...
Some hardy palms will survive winters in much of lowland Britain in sheltered gardens with favourable local conditions. However, plants that are in exposed positions, in containers or wet at the roots ...
Before embarking on a project to make your roof garden into an oasis of greenery and flowers, the following important points should be considered: Can refer to either home-made garden compost or ...
What are oak gall wasps? Oaks, especially the native species Quercus robur and Q. petraea are the host plants for more than 70 species of cynipid gall wasp. It is the larval stage of these insects ...
Fennel is a large attractive plant with soft feathery leaves and tall stems topped with flat clusters of tiny yellow flowers in summer. The leaves, flowers and seeds have an aniseed flavour and aroma ...
Thyme (Thymus) is a compact evergreen shrub with small aromatic leaves. It’s easy to grow in a warm, sunny spot, in free-draining soil or containers. It’s also drought tolerant and needs little ...