Telugu actor Vijaya Rangaraju, also known as Raj Kumar, passed away due to a heart attack in Chennai. The 70-year-old actor ...
The world of Telugu cinema mourns the loss of Vijaya Rangaraju, a talented actor who gained fame for his portrayal of ...
Vijaya Rangaraju, the popular Telugu actor known for his villainous roles, has passed away after suffering a heart attack. He ...
Veteran Telugu actor Vijaya Rangaraju died due to heart attack in Chennai. He reportedly suffered an injury last week during ...
Telugu film actor Vijaya Rangaraju died of heart attack in Chennai. Reportedly, he suffered an injury last week during a film ...
He was undergoing treatment in Chennai..Veteran Telugu actor Vijaya Rangaraju, Paravur Rawther, Mohanlal, Vietnam Colony, ...
Veteran Telugu actor Vijaya Rangaraju breathed his last at a private hospital in Chennai after suffering a heart attack.
Veteran South Indian actor Vijaya Rangaraju, known for his role in 'Vietnam Colony', passed away due to a heart attack.
Watch Google CEO Sundar Pichai chats with Tesla CEO Elon Musk at the Donald Trump's oath ceremony at the Capitol in ...
Trump touts new executive orders in first rally speech as President. Telugu star Vijaya Rangaraju who got injured a week ago ...