In Nazi Germany, Hertha Reis, a 36-year-old Jewish woman, performed forced labor for a private company in Berlin during World War II. In 1941, she was evicted by a judge from the two sublet rooms where she lived with her son and mother – she was unprotected as a tenant because of an anti-Jewish law.
RP Kahl's feature, based on Holocaust testimonies and courtroom transcripts, premieres in Israel on Monday and across all media in Germany.
In Varna, tourists strolling past the seaside city's Archaeological Museum might notice a monument of a shofar, a Jewish horn inscribed with thanks to Bulgarians, "for our salvation during the Holocaust," which concludes, "We remember!"
After contacting 1,700 public and private archives in Germany and worldwide to find more, #LastSeen has now collected visual evidence from 60 cities and towns in Nazi Germany.
A gesture associated with the Nazis has a surprising history. But in Germany, there was little doubt about its meaning.
Supporters say there is a moral duty to see the project through, but opponents – including many Jews – are opposed to the giant sculpture
Thousands protested against the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, which the Tesla CEO addressed on Saturday.
Nazi German forces murdered some 1.1 million people at the site in southern Poland, which was under German occupation during World War II.
Polish President Andrzej Duda remembered the victims of the Nazis at the Auschwitz-Birkenau memorial site, as commemorations got under way on Monday to mark 80 years since the death camp was liberated towards the end of World War II.
Kurt Hahn, a German educationalist, was arrested in his homeland in 1933 for speaking out against Adolf Hitler after the newly appointed Fuhrer granted an amnesty to five stormtroopers who had murdered a young communist.