The bill, which aims to give Nevada renters more power to hold landlords accountable, is being hailed as a crucial step in ensuring tenants have access to safe and habitable housing.
Despite the free appointments at the Mexican Consulate of Las Vegas, citizens have been conned into paying their way into the consulate amid rising uncertainty.
Nevada state lawmakers are considering a bill that would allow tenants to take a property owner to court for failing to make timely repairs before the property owner may ...
Michelle Fiore is facing an April 14 sentencing on her convictions — a date the judge chose to give herself time to resolve ...
Attorney Sigal Chattah argued the law is so vague about what "intimidation" means that it causes prosecution fears for ...
A trial date has been set for Alejandra Boudreaux, the suspect involved in a home invasion that escalated into a deadly ...
Nevada was once known for allowing people to come and get speedy divorces. These “divorce ranches” were even featured on the TV show “Mad Men.” ...