You gain consciousness on the beaches of a mysterious island chock full of Jurassic ... made it no secret that they were inspired by Minecraft mods such as IndustrialCraft, and the spirit of ...
Just because you've got an older or low-end PC doesn't mean you can't enjoy gaming. There are thousands of back titles in the ...
Coral Island is the perfect alternative if you ... From vanilla mode to Minecraft mods, you can create masterpieces big or small – and even kit out the interior if you’re imaginative enough.
But even early into its life, there is plenty to enjoy about this detailed survival game set on a maximum security prison island ... elements (and a strong Ark mods scene). Your character has ...
You share a mysterious island with a tribe of terrifying cannibals ... It's hard not to compare it to Minecraft, yet developer Unknown Worlds has put their own unique stamp on the survival ...
Image Credit: Minecraft/Mojang (Screenshot by Bipradeep Biswas/ Beebom) Though there are also unique game modes such as earth towny (create and rule towns and nations), islands (survive on a tiny ...
If you want to spice up your vanilla gameplay and meet some real challenge, check out some of these best Minecraft survival island challenge seeds. These worlds spawn you on a desolate island ...
Minecraft is a fantastic game. Not only has it defied the odds and survived 16 years as a game, but it's still thriving today ...
Though Hello Kitty Island Adventure and Minecraft aren't inherently similar, one DLC could interest fans of Sunblink's cozy ...
As the upcoming Minecraft film creeps closer, one modder has found a creative way to blur the lines between film and game. By adding Jack Black's voice to Minecraft, players can now feel even closer ...
One Minecraft player undertakes the challenge of recreating Coruscant, complete with some of the city planet’s most iconic ...
Here are some of the best seeds for Minecraft on the Xbox One with temples, villages, and more. No different from its last-gen versions, Minecraft’s world generation is randomly generated based ...