Poem 2 Every dawn, I search for your lost gaze, but only find shadows of a love that never was. Poem 3 My heart, wounded and alone, sings a sad melody, hoping, without hope, that one day you'll ...
But, unfortunately, Hallmark rhymes rarely mine the depths of love and desire. So, if you’re looking for the perfect words for your loved one this year, why not share one of these poems ...
Her poem Variations on the Word Love discusses many forms of love, but ultimately, for me, it is a reminder of the awesome power of that emotion. She speaks of how the word "love" - only four ...
Love is not exclusive to lovers. It's for anyone and everyone. If it were not there would be no ministers or priests to preach. No Mother Theresa or teachers to teach. No one looking up at the moon ...
In one of the most famous love poems of all time, Burns goes all out to express the wonder of love: It’s beautiful like a flower, it’s sweet like music, it’s deep as the sea. And Burns isn ...
I only feel it, and I’m torn in two. Seamus Heaney’s love-poem to marriage, The Skunk, combines exile and erotica, moving from an American wilderness image reminiscent of Elizabeth Bishop ...