Hundreds of thousands of foreigners served in the Wehrmacht, most famously the Vlasov Army.
The Russian Civil War raged from 1918 until the ... A brilliant organiser and improviser, Trotsky created the Red Army out of the Red Guards and from the remnants of the old Tsarist army.
Syed Firdaus Ashraf marches through time to trace the bitter history between Russia and its West European neighbours.
On February 25, 1921, after days of fierce battles around the capital, the Russian Red Army captured Tbilisi, sealing the ...
Fusako Shigenobu, founder of the Japanese Red Army group that staged a series of terrorist attacks a half century ago, was released from prison May 28 after serving a 20-year sentence. Her ...
The cities provided fresh recruitment for the Red Army. Much of Russia's industry and raw materials was located in this area. This made it possible for the Bolsheviks to keep their troops supplied ...