For nearly a decade, Kortemeier, who advises the Geology Club, has been presenting the sales in late November or early ...
In last week's column, I mentioned that this week's column would be an amplification from hunting arrowheads in South Arkansas to other areas, but I have decided to give you, my readers, an overview ...
This central Japan city famed for its jade stones is set to ask people to refrain from taking the prized mineral formations ...
Just northeast of the University of Arizona lies one of Tucson’s breathtaking Gem, Mineral & Fossil Shows. The Mineral ...
NASA's Perseverance rover collects Martian soil samples from Jezero Crater, revealing potential signs of past life on Mars.
The 75-year-old letter was written by a coal miner who said that this mineral was mined at that time from a site in Germany.
In addition to the remarkable minerals museum in Socorro, there is a free, unique museum in Albuquerque that displays a ...
Petratherm is putting more shine on its Muckanippie heavy mineral sands project in South Australia after drilling returned titanium-rich intersections at the Rosewood prospect.
UNLV-led research details early insights from NASA’s Perseverance rover; Specimens due back on Earth in the 2030s.
No matter how many missions to Mars she takes part in, the sheer joy of unearthing discoveries about the red planet never gets old for Mariek Schmidt.
Today, most of the meteorite is on display at the California State Minerals and Mining Museum in Mariposa, writes.
Two new papers describe hints to a brine-filled environment on the 4.5-billion-year-old space rock and the presence of amino ...