Fenerbahce Beko coach Sarunas Jasikevicius liked the attitude his players showed in the win over Paris Basketball that was ...
After the game, Sarunas Jasikevicius commented that his team was “offensively fantastic for the whole game”, elaborating more ...
Solanco played without one of its top contributors, Sarunas Jasikevicius, because of a suspension. Jasikevicius returned the following game. It was a one-of-a-kind season for the Golden Mules ...
Sarunas Jasikevicius is one of the most popular players in the Lithuanian team. His NBA career was not too successful but he has led his team at the EuroBasket several times. He most recently ...
BARCELONA basketball legend Sarunas Jasikevicius has been appointed as the Catalans’ new head coach. To contact the newsdesk out of regular office hours please call +34 665 798 618 We are ...
Šarūnas Jasikevičius su šeima mėgaujasi žiemos atostogomis Prancūzijos kalnuose. Iš populiaraus kurorto skrieja tuntai linksmų šeimos atostogų kadrų. Krepšinio treneris Šarūnas Jasikevičius su žmona ...
Stambulo „Fenerbahče“ futbolo klubas ryt pradeda UEFA Europos lygos atkrintamąsias, o garsusis Jose Mourinho spaudos konferencijoje sulaukė klausimo ir apie krepšinį.
Šarūnas Marčiulionis of Lithuania is the greatest guard to ever play for the Soviet Union national team. He played mostly for the Vilnius Statiba Club when not playing for the Soviet national team.
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