Tagore had an important answer to the question of whether the economic or the political should enjoy the primacy of place, in designing educational policy. He said: “Economic life covers the whole ...
In his final years, Abraham Lincoln grew convinced that God’s will played an active role in guiding the course of history. This sense of divine purpose, increasingly evident in his speeches and ...
Teddy Prout, accompanied by his piano, will explore the history and development of music as part of human experience on both personal and societal levels. Teddy Prout is a classically trained ...
The Church of Sweden (Svenska kyrkan) is Evangelical Lutheran and has its secretariat in Uppsala, a city that has been the centre of religion in Sweden since the Middle Ages. The Church of Sweden has ...
Ares Management Corporation (NYSE:ARES), a leading global alternative asset manager with a market capitalization of $58.3 billion, has been making significant strides in expanding its market ...
When you’re down or defeated and feel like nothing could turn your day around, don’t underestimate the power of a good quote about strength to get you through. The thought of reading a few as ...
Accra Atheists, an NGO of Atheists, Agnostics, Skeptics and Secularists who subscribe to the Philosophy of Secular Humanism have succeeded in putting up the first Atheist Billboard of its kind in ...